Marketing Talent: In-Demand Jobs and Salary Trends

There is a wide range of skills and salaries represented in the marketing industry, and a marketer’s career path can take many forms. This makes staffing a marketing team with the right players and laying the right stepping stones for your own career a challenge. To make the right decisions, it is essential to stay on top of industry trends. Whether you’re new to the industry, looking to navigate your career, or trying to optimize your team, here are three areas you should pay attention to:

  •     Entry-Level Jobs to Watch: One factor that contributes to the amorphous quality of the marketing career path is how marketers become marketers. Some are put on this path early-on through an internship or college course. Others started their careers in the sales department and transitioned their expert knowledge of the product and consumer to the marketing team. Many are creative types with an agency background who brought their talents to the client side of the business. For aspiring marketers looking to get a foot in the door or employers trying to fill gaps on their teams, there are five trending entry-level marketing jobs to watch.
  •     In-Demand Jobs and Skills: Just as there are many ways to begin a marketing career, there are even more ways for a marketing career to develop and grow. There is a variety of skills a modern marketing team needs to be successful as the industry quickly adapts to keep up with new technologies and rising customer expectations. For that reason, new marketing roles are emerging, and existing roles are evolving. These ten up-and-coming jobs in the marketing industry focus on delivering value in the digital age. A copywriter, for instance, has always been an essential member of a marketing team. But a copywriter today writes social or web content, not print. A copywriter of tomorrow may write for virtual reality experiences.
  •     Compensation Trends: Compensation is an important part of any career. With the advent of digital technologies, the link between marketing initiatives and business results is becoming clearer. Also, marketing departments are responsible for precious company assets, including the customer’s experience and the brand’s reputation. Compensation should reflect the work done to maintain high standards in these areas. Marketing salaries vary by region and role — a User Experience Designer in New York City, for instance, makes about $38,000 more per year than that same role in St. Louis. (See how your paycheck compares to your peers nationwide.) From an organizational perspective, holistic compensation packages can keep your company competitive. Benchmark your employer’s benefit offerings with the 2018 Hiring and Compensation Trends. Is your company among the 56 percent offering reimbursement for tuition or professional certifications?

The marketing industry is dynamic; static skills and static teams will eventually fall behind. Keep an eye on the where industry trends are heading to equip yourself and your organization with the skillset necessary to succeed.

By Emily Apisa is a content manager in the ANA’s Marketing Knowledge Center.


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