Millennials In Transition [REPORT]

“Millennials” – no age group in the past 5 years has been talked about, analyzed and studied more by marketers. However, we still frequently ascribe the same characteristics and generalizations to the entire generation.  When, in reality, Millennials are a diverse, complex group with varying lifestyles and media habits.

To understand Millennials, it is important to go beyond age and focus on their life stage.  A 22-year-old living at home with their parents consumes media in a completely different way than a 32-year-old first-time parent.  

This report explores 18-34-year-olds in three distinct life stages: reliant (living with a parent), self-sufficient (living on their own) and budding home with child (married with children).

We illustrate how spending habits, media consumption and specifically TV usage change as Millennials transition between these life stages.

To download report CLICK HERE.


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