ANA launches portal for NonProfit Member Brands

The ANAannounced the launch of a new website portal designed to address the growing need for purpose-driven marketing by encouraging connections between ANA members’ brands and nonprofit organizations.

The portal is being introduced by the ANA Nonprofit Federation (NF) in partnership with the ANA Center for Brand Purpose and will offer ANA members a directory of nonprofit member organizations with missions and goals they might want to support.

The ANA NF was acquired by the ANA in 2018 and provides fundraising education, advocacy, sponsorship opportunities, and ethical standards for the nonprofit community. The Center for Brand Purpose was launched in 2018 to fuel business growth by helping marketers create purpose-driven, strategic programs and solutions for their products and services.

“This is a very timely initiative because people expect the brands they support to care about the world and to do their part to make it a better place,” said ANA CEO Bob Liodice. “We’ve learned that when a corporate brand partners with a nonprofit organization, it can more effectively communicate its purpose to the world. This new portal will facilitate that process.”

To be listed in the portal, NF members must complete an online registration. The portal is open to ANA nonprofit members only; participation is a benefit of membership and is free of charge.

Liodice added that the new portal is the first initiative from the recently formed ANA Community for Society, Sustainability, and Ethics, which unifies the Nonprofit Federation, the Center for Brand Purpose, the ANA’s new Sustainability Collective, and the ANA’s Ethics Division to reinforce the power of purpose to drive growth while energizing the nonprofit community to align with brands “to do good.” The Community’s mission is to develop programs that revolutionize marketing through action and deeper human connections, fuel positive societal change, and drive industry growth.


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