U.S. Hispanics More Likely to Use Smartphones While Driving

U.S. Hispanics are more prone to smartphone distracted driving than the general population, according to AT&T* It Can Wait research. 83% of Hispanics admit to using their smartphones behind the wheel. That compares with 71% of Americans as a whole.  

Half of U.S. Hispanics admit they use their smartphones to social network while driving. More than a quarter (28%) snap selfies or take photos. And nearly 7 in 10 (68%) text.

In response, AT&T created a campaign in Spanish, Puede Esperar. It includes:

  •     The AT&T DriveMode app**. It’s now available in Spanish and open to all carriers. And it’s free for iPhone and Android users. The app helps curb the urge to text and drive by silencing incoming text messages. It can automatically turn on when you reach 15 MPH and turn off after you stop.
  •     A 360° video experience that simulates the potentially deadly consequences of glancing at your phone while driving. View it on your smartphone.
  •     A coast-to-coast virtual reality tour visiting local high schools and community events in more than a dozen cities by year-end. A Samsung Gear VR headset, powered by Oculus, delivers a realistic simulation of the dangers of smartphone distracted driving through a Samsung Galaxy Note 5 smartphone.***
  •     A web site, espanol.att.com/PuedeEsperar, to share information and resources.

“Now more than ever we need to focus on those who put themselves at high risk behind the wheel,” said Sandra Howard, assistant vice president of advertising, AT&T. “We want them to know the dangers and take the pledge. Ultimately, we want them to keep their eyes on the road, not on their phones.”

Since its launch in 2010, the It Can Wait campaign has:

  •     Helped grow awareness of the dangers of smartphone distracted driving to more than 90% of audiences surveyed.
  •     Inspired more than 8 million pledges to keep their eyes on the road, not on their phones.
  •     Worked with departments of transportation in Texas, Kentucky and other states on research that suggests a correlation between It Can Wait campaign activities and a reduction in crashes.
  •     Collaborated with AT&T data scientists on research that shows how statewide anti-texting laws impact the rate of texting while driving.

As part of our broader road safety efforts, we’re a founding member of Together for Safer Roads Coalition (TSR). TSR brings together global companies to help improve road safety and reduce deaths and injuries from crashes.


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