Association Of Hispanic Advertising Agencies … G10 Summit.

The Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies (AHAA) G-10 held a summit on February 15 and developed the key messages, strategies and tactics for an integrated marketing/branding campaign to promote the overall strength and value of the Hispanic advertising and media industry.

AHAA president, Horacio Gomes, presided over the meeting which was attended by the entire G-10 comprised of: Adolfo Aguilar, Rick Blangiardi, Robert Cahill, José Cancela, Henry Cisneros, Tony Dieste, Aida Levitan, Alex López Negrete, Mónica Lozano and Carlos Santiago. President Gomes called the meeting “an unprecedented gathering of industry leaders that articulated some excellent tactics on how to brand our industry. I look forward to the unveiling of the campaign in April”.

The G-10 group met in Dallas, Texas to discuss the key issues and challenges of the industry and how AHAA can help lead an unprecedented campaign to address these issues and increase the size of the pie for everyone in our industry.

The G-10 group also discussed the next steps for developing and funding the multi-media PR and advertising campaign that will be launched during AHAA’s next conference April 18-21, 2002 in Washington, DC.

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