How Is Data Driving Marketing?

Most US ad and marketing professionals are using data-driven marketing, according to July 2015 research, especially to maintain databases about their customers and targets.

In a survey from the Global Alliance of Data-Driven Marketing Associations (GDMA) and Winterberry Group, 92.3% of respondents said they maintain databases to host information on customers or prospects, at least to some extent. More than half of all respondents (53.4%) were sophisticated practitioners and were more advanced in that area.

Additionally, 90.7% of US ad and marketing professionals said they segment data to better target and engage addressable customer —or B2B—audiences. Some 50.5% said they were more advanced in that area.

Overall, ad and marketing professionals utilized data-driven marketing to some extent. Other areas they used it for was to measure campaign results across individual—and multiple—marketing channels, as well as purchase third-party data, including mailing lists and digital behavioral data, to support targeted marketing campaigns.

Marketers are generating more revenues from their data-driven marketing efforts. July 2015 data from the Direct Marketing Association Associations (DMA) and Winterberry.

Courtesy of eMarketer


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